
Biering & Brinkmann Verlag


Concepts of the past in Greek-Roman antique times.
Published by Martin Flashar, Hans-Joachim Gehrke and Ernst Heinrich.

Every era, every society has to come to terms with its past. A particular part is played here by the aspect of self-definition and a search for identity based on one's own past. It is not unusual for the past to be instrumentalised for the sake of the present, or even constructed. The antique examples of the phenomenon were followed up by the Freiburg College of Graduates, studying the relationship to the past of antique presents. The present volume contains papers from two colloquia and shows a cross-section of the scientific work of the College. In case-studies well-known representatives of antique sciences and their juniors study this leading theme over a period of about one thousand years. In addition to papers on the basic problem, there are also a number of important individual results. Worthy of mention are the richly illustrated Propylea of Eleusis and the Hadrian Gate in Athens.

264 pages, 111 figures, 3 fold-out plates. EBr.
ISBN 3-930609-08-8
EUR 50,-

copyright 2001 by Verlag Biering & Brinkmann
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