
Biering & Brinkmann Verlag

Annegrit Schmitt, Der Meister des Musterbuchs von Weimar
with photos by Engelbert Seehuber

Animal drawings from the time of, or just before, 1400 were in the past mostly taken to be by Pisanello, because he was the most well-known describer of animals at the time of the change from Late Gothic to Early Renaissance, and classic scholars of his days made sure in their hymns of praise that Pisanello's reputation as an extraordinary, soulful-poetical describer of animals remained unforgotten. However, instead of being creations by Pisanello they were quite frequently works by the generation prior to his. This is also valid for the ten parchment pages attributed to Pisanello, originating in a Lombardian sample book from the early 15th Century, which have now found homes in three different places, being spread between the Art Collections of Weimar, the British Museum and the Pierpont Morgan Library. Whereas research had already recognised the Lombardian origins and the historical importance of the four London and New York pages sixty years ago, so far no interest had been shown in the six Weimar pages. As there are more pages in Weimar than in New York and London together, and the name of the Lombardian creator of these works is not known, his works are here presented under the name "The Master of the Sample Book from Weimar". Influenced by the view of art and language of Giovannino de´Grassi and his workshop, the Master of the Sample Book from Weimar understood the representation of animals as an important field of artistic form and for the use in his own workshop he created a sample book of the most varied animals, both from his homeland and from exotic parts. This now give a base for new perceptions about a number of cross-connections within the tradition of animal sample books, from Giovannino de´Grassi until far into the 15th Century.

»... eine kleine bibliophile Kostbarkeit ...«
Süddeutsche Zeitung 5./6. Juli 1997

»…ein rarer Glücksfall, daß die einstige Zusammengehörigkeit der 10 Blätter des Weimarer Tiermusterbuches nun wieder rekonsruiert werden konnte. Nicht zultzt die hervorragenden Photographien von Engelbrecht Seehuber haben dabei geholfen, daß aus diesem kunsthistorischen Fund eine … bibliophile Kostbarkeit geworden ist.«
Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

78 pages 37 colored figures 21 x 24,5 cm, cloth-bound recorded delivery
ISBN 3-930609-14-2
EUR 25,-

copyright 2001 by Verlag Biering & Brinkmann
Postfach 45 01 44, D-80901 München
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