
Biering & Brinkmann Verlag

Hayo Heinrich, Subtilitas novarum scalpturarum Zum Marmorbauornament der späten Republik und frühen Kaiserzeit in Pompeji und Campanien.

The study of a selection of buildings in Pompeii (garland grave, Fortuna Augusta temple and Eumachia building) with exemplary study of parts of the buildings (acanthus, tendril decorations, Corinthian and Corinthising capitals) shows how a new form language of ornamental building developed during the passage from the republic to the empire, while at the same time marble became the main material for representative architecture. Central questions are the conditions under which the works were carried out, which give new criteria for the evaluation of municipal architecture and also basic criteria for the methodical study of ornamental buildings.

2002. ca. 200 pages 200 figures on 100 plates. cloth-bound
ISBN 3-930609-22-3
EUR 98,-

copyright 2001 by Verlag Biering & Brinkmann
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