
Biering & Brinkmann Verlag
DYABOLA Databases


The Subject Catalogue of the Roman-Germanic Commission (RGK) in Frankfurt

The library of the Roman-Germanic Commission started with the thematic collection of all new acquisitions in March 1992. A system was developed which especially classifies the aspects of the cultures, the landscapes, the dating and the type of artefacts, works of art and buildings.

Not only the monographic new acquisitions are classified in this way, but also and in particular the so-called non-independent or secondary literature, i.e. all journal articles and contributions to collected editions. A selection of around 14,000 subject headings and key-words is thus currently available for detailed literature research, and the number of key-words is constantly growing.

Researchers have thus obtained a valuable tool for bibliographic research in the field of European pre- and early history, the archaeology of the Roman provinces and of medieval Europe. Around 20,000 new classifications will be added every year. Within just a few years, an impressive subject catalogue has been amassed, making it much easier to find one's way into a new topic of research. The database is available on CD-ROM.

Besides online access an introducing manual exists.

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