
3.5 The Functions of the Title Card

Various functions are available in the title card. You can call up the title card, for example, from the Main menu when you display a result or when you create a new result.

Change result title card

1. Titlecard  

If you have created a new result, the first title card of the result initially appears. The number in the top right-hand corner of the title card shows you the position in the result. The total number of titles contained in the result can be seen in the results list on the right-hand side of the screen.
1. Use the "Picture up/down" keys to scroll through the various title cards of a result.

Show data sheets (links + dependent descriptors)

  see 3.6            
1. Data sheet  

Please refer to the definition of data sheets in section 1.3.
1. To scroll through the data sheets of a title, press "Arrow left/right".
2. Follow the instructions in section 3.6 (Data sheets)

Show contents list (children)

    see 3.6        
1. Contents list   2. Data sheet  

Open the Contents list of a title card with the "i" key or "Arrrow down". Here, you can see all of the dependent titles of the current title in line form.
1. Position yourself with "Arrow up/down" or a search word (title text of the dependent title or children). Press "Enter" to call up the title card of a title in the Contents list. Make this a new starting point for your search by pressing "Enter" again or return to the Contents list with "Escape".
2. Press "Arrow left/right" to scroll through the data sheets of a title in the Contents list. Press the "m" key to view the respective data sheets of consecutive titles in series and scroll through the titles with "Arrow up/down".
3. Follow the instructions in section 3.6 (Data sheets).

Show superior entry (father)

1. Title card   2. Data sheet  

This item shows you the father title or makes it the new starting point for your search.
1. Press the "s" key once or the "Enter" key twice to show the superior entry on the bottom right.
2. Here, you can view the data sheets with "Arrow left/right" or make the title a new starting point for your search by pressing "Enter". You can also reach this point directly by pressing "Arrow up" instead of "s" or "Enter".

Pooled result of superior entries

1. Menu   2. Type of result   3. File name  

This function searches for the first superior title of all titles in the result.
1. Press the "Enter" key to call up a small menu, selecting the appropriate item with "Arrow up/down" and "Enter".
2. Select whether the available result is to be extended or replaced, or whether a new result is to be created and press "Enter".
3. If you have selected "Create new result", you must give a new file name (no more than eight digits, no diacritic characters).

Pooled result of dependent entries

1. Menu   2. All?   3. Lower Levels?   4. Link?   5. Type of result

This function searches all children dependent on the title or the titles of the result. The following points 2-6 do not appear in every search, as the program only asks the necessary questions.
1. Press the "Enter" key to call up a small menu, selecting the appropriate item with "Arrow up/down" and "Enter".
2. Answer the question "Pool references with regard to the entire result" by pressing "y" or "n", depending on whether you want to achieve a result over the visible titles or over the entire result.
3. A menu enables you to include all levels or only the first lower level of the children and additionally asks whether or not the current title should be included in the result. Position yourself with "Arrow up/down" and confirm by pressing "Enter".
4. The "Linked entries" menu gives you the option of immediately following up links to the children. For example, it is very easy to find all monuments that are to be seen on the pages (= children) of a codex. Select a link or "no link" and press "Enter".
5. Select whether the available result is to be extended or replaced, or whether a new result is to be created and press "Enter".
6. If you have selected "Create new result", you must give a new file name (no more than eight digits, no diacritic characters).

Restrict existing result

    see 3.1        
1. Menu   2. Classifier tree  

Here is a simple way of further restricting your result.
1. Press the "Enter" key to call up a small menu, selecting the appropriate item with "Arrow up/down" and "Enter".
2. Select a heading or a heading with key-word from the classifier tree. As a result, you receive the intersecting data (AND-link) of the given and the new result.

Last navigation steps (Navigation history)

1. Menu   2. Selection  

The main and starting points you last selected in the navigation can be displayed as a list in a separate window.
1. Simply press the "n" key or the "Enter" key to call up a small menu, selecting the appropriate item with "Arrow up/down" and "Enter".
2. Select one of the last navigation steps with "Arrow up/down" and "Enter" to jump back to a point in the navigation to which it would otherwise be awkward to return..

Show photo(s)

see 3.7                

1. Press "f" to show all photos linked to a title. In the Contents list, "f" is the letter used to position within the list. Use "Alt+f" here instead.
2. Follow the instructions in section 3.7 (Picture display)

Call up record number

1. RecNo  

In a separate window, you can jump to a title whose record number you know.
1. Press "F2", and enter the desired record number. Confirm with "Enter".


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